- Selecting the Course:
- Navigate to the Defensive Drive Course section and choose the specific course you are interested in taking.
- Adding to Cart:
- Click on the course you’ve selected, and it will take you to the course details page.
- Locate the “Add to Cart” or similar button, and click on it.
- Proceed to Service:
- Once the course is added to your cart, click on the “Service” option in the menu.
- Approve Your Order:
- Review the items in your cart to ensure they are correct.
- Click on the “Approve Order” or similar button to confirm your selection.
- Checkout:
- After approving your order, select the “Checkout” option.
- Payment Information:
- At the checkout page, you will be prompted to enter your payment information.
- Please note that Woot Pay is our internet merchant provider.
- Choose your preferred payment option: Visa, Mastercard, debit card, or American Express.
- Fill in the necessary details as prompted.
- Confirmation Email:
- Once your payment is processed successfully, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Check your email inbox for the confirmation message.
- Receipt Details:
- Your receipt will show Acastaffing & Consulting Services as our parent company.
- Keep the confirmation email and receipt for your records.
Congratulations! You have successfully selected and paid for the Defensive Drive Course. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our customer support. Drive safely!